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What currencies are listed on WhalesHeaven?

Updated 1 year ago

We are continually working on adding more coins to our platform. For the meantime, our platform supports the following Coins & Tokens on these blockchains: 


  1. Bitcoin - BTC
  2. Tether - USDT 


  1. Litecoin - LTC


  1. Ethereum - ETH
  2. Tether - USDT 
  3. USD Coin - USDC
  4. WhalesHeaven Token - WHT
  5. Paxos Standard - PAX
  6. Gemini Dollar - GUSD
  7. TrueUSD - TUSD
  8. DAI v1.0 - DAI
  10. Digix Gold - DGX
  11. The Midas Touch Gold - TMTG
  12. Mysterium - MYST 
  13. Swipe - SXP 
  14. Blockport - BPT
  15. Aeron - ARN (suspended)
  16. Aeron - ARNX
  17. Krios - GIG
  18. Samurai - Sam 

We will continue to update this page regularly so please check back for more token releases.

You can also Subscribe to our Newsletter for more updates about new currencies by navigating to the Home Page's Subscribe section.
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